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Partner and Grow in Faith with Us

As Christians, we believe that we are expected to be good stewards of what the Lord has given to us.


Our Church is not just a building.  It is its people and the power of their hearts.  With your support as faithful stewards of the Church we look forward to the end of isolation and greeting one another again in Christian fellowship in our spiritual home.


Nothing, not even social distancing, can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ and the hope we share in Him.  We will continue to find strength in His care and in our care for one another.


We encourage you to offer your prayerful thanks and continue in the fulfillment of your commitment to Christ’s Church in thanksgiving for His many blessings to you.  Please prayerfully consider your Holy Trinity Church Stewardship commitment. 


To make a one-time online gift via credit card or Paypal for stewardship, candles, trays or memorials, please click Donate Now.


To pledge recurring giving, please use our Online Stewardship Form.






When contributing by check, the notation on the memo line allows us to identify your intentions (ie. stewardship, candles, trays, memorials, etc). 

Contributions can be mailed to:

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, 2940 CR 214, St. Augustine, FL 32084.


If you have any questions, please call the Church Office at (904) 829-0504 or email

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Click below to make a gift. Giving categories such as stewardship, memorials, and others have been set up to allow giving to specific funds.


Our “Light a Candle & Say a Prayer” ministry enables you to light a candle during divine services on-line. Your request will be forwarded to a Council member in the Narthex to light your candle. Also, if you wish to provide names of loved ones to be prayed for, those will be provided to Fr. Maximos.

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